Boneyard Salvage Assessment


With the Solar Storm fast approaching and the settlement MARSDU reactor undergoing an emergency refueling, Settlement Operations is evaluating reactivating a mothballed reactor from a previous settlement. Due to the reactor being mothballed in a boneyard far away from our facilities your rover will be dispatched to assess the area to determine if the reactor and its components could be re-used, and if the area is safe for human crews to begin salvage operations.

Your rover must explore the boneyard to locate and identify the mothballed reactor, control rods, coolant lines, transformer, and any other pieces of equipment not related to the reactor. Simultaneously your rover should be assessing the boneyard for hazards to the salvage crew such as possible rockslide areas, ozone and hydrogen leaks from equipment stored there, and radiation. A Geiger counter will be provided to your rover to help assess radiation hazards and will output readings to your rover. At the end of the task, teams will have 2 hours to submit a brief inspection report form via google forms to conclude if the reactor can be salvaged and if the site is safe for human salvage crews.


  1. Record the GPS coordinates of the starting position.
  2. Locate the Reactor
    1. Record the possibe power output, does it fit requirements?
    2. Record its GPS coordinates and distance from the start position.
    3. Record the radioactivity from the provided Geiger Counter.
    4. Identify to the judge any damage to the reactor casing.
  3. Locate the Beryllium Control Rods
    1. Record their GPS coordinates and distance from the start position
    2. Record the number of damaged and undamaged control rods.
    3. Record the radioactivity from the provided sensor
    4. Identify/document any compromised control rods.
  4. Locate the Coolant Lines
    1. Record their GPS coordinates and distance from the start position
    2. Record the number of damaged, repairable, and undamaged coolant lines.
    3. Record the radioactivity from the provided sensor.
    4. Identify/document any compromised coolant lines.
  5. Locate Possible Hazards to Personnel in the Boneyard
    1. Identify/Document any areas of possible environmental damage to boneyard infrastructure (eg. rockslides, wind damage)rockslides.
    2. Test stored equipment areas for ozone or hydrogen leaks
    3. Document any areas of high radioactivity
    4. Document any significant geological hazards (eg. unstable slopes, impassable terrain).
  6. Complete the Brief Inspection Report Form
    1. Conclude if the Reactor equipment is salvageable and explain your decision.
      1. Does the Reactor have a minimum output of 5 MW? A Maximum of 10 MW
      2. Are there at least 4 control rods without bends, warps, or cracks?
      3. Are there at least 4 reels of coolant lines without holes or cracks?
    2. Conclude if the area is safe for human salvage crews and explain your decision.
      1. Are there any traces of Ozone or Hydrogen within the Boneyard?
      2. Are there any areas of radiation above 50 mSv? Are these areas within 2m of the equipment?
      3. Are there any areas of possible or past rockslides?
    3. Is there other available equipment in the boneyard?

*NOTE: This Reactor and boneyard was constructed by a cooperative mission between two of CIRC’s sister organizations; Канадский международный конкурс роботов, and 加拿大国际机器人挑战赛 respectively. As such, many component labels may not be in English. A translation guide will be provided to assist in identification of components and panels.

Details about the Geiger Counter and the Translation Guide will be provided in April 2025 or earlier.